We are currently open to accept listings! Start now →

Tap into Lookup's audience of 23,400+ monthly visitors!

Lookup SG Search Traffic

Submit your business or restaurant to Lookup and experience a huge boost in online visibility and presence! All without the need for paid ads or social media marketing.

Fast approval times
Improve your visibility
Get more customers
Start 100% FREE (No credit card required)

Step 1: Fill in details

Pick whether you want to submit a business or a restaurant and submit the respective form with all of your business' details. Take your time and go into detail as this will appear to our visitors!

Buttons Icon - LocalListing X Webflow Template

Step 2: Wait for approval 

Our team will manually vet each submission and determine whether any changes need to be made. Then, we will notify you between 14-21 days on the publication of your listing!

Avatars Icon - LocalListing X Webflow Template

Step 3: Get seen by customers

By listing on Lookup's directory, you'll be seen by people who are actively searching for you! That means you are much more likely to attract new customers compared to paid ads.

Start 100% FREE (No credit card required)

Frequently asked questions

Here are some of the most-received questions from our users.

How can I update my business information?

Just drop us an email, call, or WhatsApp message and we will get you sorted out ASAP.

How can I feature my business?

Once you have created a listing, you can purchase advertisement slots on the pricing page.

How do I claim a business page?

If you own a business, do reach out to us and let us know which listing is yours.

How can I remove my business from Lookup?

You can contact us through any of the channels above and we will handle it accordingly.

Start 100% FREE (No credit card required)