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Shell Singapore

Shell Singapore provides a wide range of services, including fuel for motorists, lubricants for businesses, energy solutions, and sustainability initiatives.

Shell Singapore
Oil and Gas Companies
Shell Singapore
9 N Buona Vista Dr #10-01 The Metropolis Tower 1 Singapore 138588
Shell Singapore

About the business

Shell Singapore is a leading oil and gas company that caters to both motorists and business customers. For motorists, Shell provides a range of services and products to enhance their driving experience. They offer a locator service to find Shell stations, where customers can access their new and improved Shell fuels, including Shell V-Power at the price of Shell FuelSave 98. Shell also offers a variety of engine oils and lubricants, such as Shell Helix car engine oils and Shell Advance motorcycle engine oils. Motorists can also take advantage of promotions and loyalty programs, which provide rewards and savings.

For business customers, Shell Singapore offers specialized lubricants for various industries, including agriculture, construction, fleet management, manufacturing, and more. They also provide solutions for fleet management through Shell Fleet Solutions, offering services related to fleet and fuel management, security, and sustainability. Additionally, Shell offers services in the areas of aviation, energy, and distributed energy, catering to the specific needs of businesses.

Shell Singapore is dedicated to sustainability and community engagement, participating in initiatives like STEM education, marine biodiversity, and flaring for safety. The company is also committed to innovation and the energy transition, aiming to reduce CO2 emissions and provide low-carbon solutions in Singapore.

For more information about Shell Singapore and its wide range of services, customers can visit their website or contact their customer service.

Shell Singapore

Business information

+65 6235 3261
9 N Buona Vista Dr #10-01 The Metropolis Tower 1 Singapore 138588
Visit websiteWhatsapp contact


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Mon - Fri: Open 24 hours
Saturday: Open 24 hours
Sunday: Open 24 hours

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