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Dr Naras Lapsys

Dr. Naras Lapsys is offering services to achieve optimal weight, improve immune system, prevent chronic diseases, and promote longevity.

Dr Naras Lapsys
Dr Naras Lapsys
491B River Valley Rd #11-02 Singapore 238880
Dr Naras Lapsys

About the business

Dr Naras Lapsys is your go-to nutrition and anti-aging consultant for a healthier and longer life. With a focus on addressing dietary patterns, sleep, exercise, and well-being, Dr Lapsys helps clients achieve and sustain optimal weight and body composition, live with vitality and a strong immune system, and prevent and reverse serious health conditions such as diabetes and heart disease. Additionally, his approach aims to reduce the risks of developing cancer and dementia.

If you're looking to achieve and sustain optimal weight, improve your immune system, or prevent serious health conditions, Dr Lapsys's nutrition and health services can help you. He specializes in weight control and weight loss, providing the right guidance and support for successful and permanent weight loss. Dr Lapsys also excels in the management of chronic health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension, aiming to minimize their progression and improve long-term health.

Moreover, Dr Lapsys focuses on optimal nutrition and a positive lifestyle, which are key components for a healthier, longer life free from dementia, cancer, and chronic ill-health. With a highly tailored approach to each individual's needs, Dr Lapsys carries out detailed investigations into eating habits, behaviors, lifestyle choices, and current health statuses. He uses evidence-based Western medicine, science, and anti-aging medicine to provide personalized advice and services. Privacy, confidentiality, trust, and respect are guaranteed in his welcoming environment.

To book a consultation with Dr Naras Lapsys, you can choose between in-person or online options. For those living in Singapore, in-person consultations can be scheduled at The Integrative Medical Centre. Online consultations are also available for people in remote areas or internationally. Dr Lapsys's services are focused on individualized care, continuing support through reviews, and couples/families consultations. Additionally, he offers home and office consultations, as well as corporate seminars and programs.

For more information or to contact Dr Naras Lapsys, visit his website or get in touch through phone or email. Join his mission to live healthier and longer by prioritizing nutrition and a positive lifestyle.

Dr Naras Lapsys

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Please make sure you visit us under this schedule. It may vary on holidays.
Mon - Fri: 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

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