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Dejavu Employment Agency (15C7478)

Dejavu Employment Agency is a licensed agency that provides screened and trained domestic helpers from India, Indonesia, Myanmar, and Sri Lanka.

Dejavu Employment Agency (15C7478)
Indian Maid Agencies
Dejavu Employment Agency (15C7478)
635 Veerasamy Rd #01-168 Singapore 200635
Dejavu Employment Agency (15C7478)

About the business

Dejavu Employment Agency Pte Ltd is a leading agency specializing in providing screened and trained domestic helpers from India, Indonesia, Myanmar, and Sri Lanka. With our expertise in supplying live-in helpers, we aim to meet the needs of individuals and families in need of domestic assistance.

We prioritize the importance of the right attitude and skills in our candidates. Through continuous training efforts, we ensure that each helper is equipped with the necessary abilities and a positive mindset to fulfill your requirements. Our screened and trained helpers can efficiently handle a range of household chores, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your life.

At Dejavu Employment Agency, we take pride in being domestic headhunters. We meticulously assess each candidate's suitability and vibrancy to find the perfect match for your specific needs. Our commitment to understanding your requirements and providing personalized assistance sets us apart from other agencies.

As a licensed agency (Licence # 15C7478) with a valid business registration (UEN) # 201506307Z, you can trust Dejavu Employment Agency to deliver reliable and professional services. With years of experience in the industry, we have built a solid reputation for providing top-notch helpers to our valued clients.

Whether you are looking for Indian, Indonesian, Myanmar, or Sri Lankan helpers, Dejavu Employment Agency is your one-stop solution. Contact us today to find the perfect domestic helper to cater to your needs. Trust us to provide a seamless, stress-free experience as we help you find the right match for your household requirements.

Dejavu Employment Agency (15C7478)

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Please make sure you visit us under this schedule. It may vary on holidays.
Mon - Fri: 12:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Sunday: 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM

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